Importance: Essential for cell membrane structure and hormone production.
- Precursor for steroid hormones and bile acids.
Abnormal Levels: Elevated levels can lead to cardiovascular disease.
Importance: Essential for cell membrane structure and hormone production.
Abnormal Levels: Elevated levels can lead to cardiovascular disease.
Importance: Known as "bad" cholesterol; high levels contribute to atherosclerosis.
Abnormal Levels: High levels increase risk of heart disease.
Importance: A type of lipoprotein associated with increased cardiovascular risk.
Abnormal Levels: Elevated levels are linked to a higher risk of heart disease.
Importance: A major type of fat found in the blood; high levels can lead to heart disease.
Abnormal Levels: High triglycerides are often associated with obesity and diabetes.
Importance: Very low-density lipoprotein; transports triglycerides in the blood.
Abnormal Levels: High VLDL levels can contribute to plaque buildup in arteries.
Importance: Known as "good" cholesterol; helps remove LDL from the bloodstream.
Abnormal Levels: Low HDL levels can increase heart disease risk.
Importance: Indicator of cardiovascular risk; reflects balance between "good" and "bad" cholesterol.
Abnormal Levels: An elevated ratio suggests higher cardiovascular risk.
Importance: A measure of cholesterol relative to HDL levels; used to assess cardiovascular risk.
Importance: Compares LDL (bad cholesterol) to HDL (good cholesterol); important for assessing heart health.
Importance: An amino acid that, at high levels, is associated with increased cardiovascular risk.
Abnormal Levels: Elevated homocysteine levels may indicate a higher risk of heart disease.
Importance: Total cholesterol minus HDL; includes all potentially harmful cholesterol.
Importance: A ratio that assesses triglyceride levels relative to HDL cholesterol.
Importance: A subtype of LDL cholesterol that is more atherogenic than standard LDL.
Importance: A composite index based on triglycerides and glucose; used to assess insulin resistance.
Importance: An enzyme linked to inflammation in blood vessels; associated with cardiovascular risk.
Importance: Measures the activity of Lp-PLA2 enzyme; higher activity indicates greater cardiovascular risk.
Importance: Measures the level of omega-3 fatty acids in red blood cells; important for heart health.
Importance: Compares pro-inflammatory arachidonic acid to anti-inflammatory EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid).
Importance: Assesses balance between inflammatory omega-6 and anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids.
Importance: Measures trans fat levels in the diet; high intake is linked to heart disease.
Importance: A form of LDL that has undergone oxidation; highly atherogenic and contributes to plaque buildup.
Importance: Indicates presence of coronary artery disease through calcium buildup in arteries.
Importance: Measures thickness of artery walls; thicker walls indicate atherosclerosis.
Importance: The force of blood against artery walls; essential for assessing cardiovascular health.
Importance: An enzyme associated with inflammation; elevated levels indicate increased cardiovascular risk.
Importance: Biomarkers of oxidative stress; elevated levels are linked to various diseases including cardiovascular disease.