Importance: Measures the total amount of triiodothyronine in the blood; important for assessing thyroid function.
Importance: Measures the total amount of triiodothyronine in the blood; important for assessing thyroid function.
Importance: Measures the total amount of thyroxine in the blood; used to evaluate thyroid hormone production.
Importance: A key regulator of thyroid function; high levels may indicate hypothyroidism, while low levels can indicate hyperthyroidism.
Importance: Antibodies against thyroid peroxidase; elevated levels may indicate autoimmune thyroid disease.
Importance: Antibodies against thyroglobulin; elevated levels can indicate autoimmune thyroid conditions.
Importance: Measures the free, active form of triiodothyronine; more indicative of thyroid function than total T3.
Importance: Measures the free, active form of thyroxine; critical for assessing thyroid hormone availability.
Importance: Measures inactive form of T3, which can increase in certain illnesses and is used to evaluate thyroid function.
Importance: Assess how much T3 is taken up by the tissues; helps evaluate thyroid hormone availability.
Importance: A protein produced by the thyroid gland; used as a tumor marker in patients with thyroid cancer.
Importance: Can indicate Graves' disease when elevated; helps assess autoimmune thyroid conditions.
Importance: An estimate of free T4 available in the blood; useful for assessing thyroid function.
Importance: Evaluates the balance between active and inactive thyroid hormones; can provide insight into thyroid function.
Importance: A protein that binds thyroid hormones in the blood; altered levels can affect hormone availability.
Importance: Essential for the conversion of T4 to T3; selenium deficiency can impair thyroid function.
Importance: A crucial nutrient for the synthesis of thyroid hormones; deficiency can lead to goiter and hypothyroidism.